Review of Becoming by Michelle Obama

Samantha Malunga
2 min readApr 5, 2021


Rating: 5 out of 5 *

#QOTD: If you could set up a month-long intensive mentorship, who would you want to be paired with?

I have four amazing women in mind, one I am blessed to be able to access at work, the other three are Michelle Obama, Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi, Founder of the African Women’s Development Fund and Natalia Kanem, the Executive Director of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.

Thoughts: Michelle is a brilliant writer, whose story really draws you in from the get-go. She is honest, frank and doesn’t hold back. I was pretty excited to get a sneak peek behind the scenes at how she and Barack came to be in the White House. I loved how she laid out the effects it had on their family, their marriage and their friendships. Her writing really transports you into the moment. My favourite part of the book was the night they found out Barack won the first election and became the First Black President of the United States of America. Beautiful.

Okay, at this point, I must make clear that as an empath, I cry really easily. When I was reading Michelle’s memoir I was deeply moved by how she always showed such grace, patience and resilience. She came from a low socio-economic background and worked hard to get to where she is now. Her parents sacrificed so much, and she is so aware that she is who she is because of those who came before her. She doesn’t speak poorly of her upbringing and does not try to hide it either. When she spoke about how as a professional black woman, one has to be twice as good — ALL. THE. TIME. that hit home in a big way. I wept. Often I feel the standard is just so different, you really can’t be caught slipping. You have to deliver excellence, Every. Single. Time. As the unofficial African-American adage goes, “when they go low, you go high”.

I love how Michelle is so fully herself. She is powerful, confident and self-assured. There is no way Barack could have got to where he got to without an amazing partner like her, and he acknowledges it so often. What beautiful melanated love. Teamwork at its best. I recommend this book to EVERYBODY. Black, White, Indian, Chinese, Male, Female, Trans, Non-Binary. Everybody. This story of resilience, persistence and ultimate triumph is one for the ages. I love them as a team and individually. Total fangirl.

Title: Becoming

Author: Michelle Obama

Publishing House: Viking Press, Penguin Random House

Pages: 426

Price in SA: ZAR320 from Exclusive Books

